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Create 3D Drawing of Parabolic Cylinder

By Apolinario "Sam" Ortega, 8 September 2017, Created with GeoGebra

Enter x^2 + 2xy + y2- 8x + 8y = 0in Desmos input box

1. To make a slow rotation, drag slowly to the left or right.

2. To make a fast rotation, drag faster to the top or bottom.

By Apolinario "Sam" Ortega, 29 January 2024

Combination of nine 3D hologram fan - shared by Pascal Bornet in LinkedIn

How do you create 3D hologram? What mathematics skills do you need to master to understand it? As you can see using Geogebra software tool, it is easy now to create 3D.

Where are you going to use this knowledge?
You need this knowledge in additive manufacturing also known as 3D Printing
To do animation or simulaton
Practice: Enter in input box x^2+7xy=5 then press "enter"
To delete
To Rotate

Related topic in 3D Drawings:

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